Instant Pot Smart Wifi 6qt Multi Use Electric Pressure Cooker

Instant Pot Smart Wifi 6qt Multi Use Electric Pressure Cooker

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28 reviews

About Instant Pot Smart Wifi 6qt Multi Use Electric Pressure Cooker

Instant Pot's Smart 6 Quart Wifi Multi-Use Programmable Pressure Cooker will make your cooking time faster and easier so you can enjoy more time spent with family and friends. This electric pressure cooker is Wifi enabled, allowing programming and monitoring right from your smartphone or tablet. It speeds up cooking time by using up to 70% less energy, and it produces nutritious food in a convenient and consistent manner. Combining the benefits of a pressure cooker, slow cooker, rice cooker, porridge maker, steamer, saute pan, yogurt maker, food warmer and more, you'll love crafting a variety of delicious recipes for you and the family to enjoy — a free iOS app even lets you program complex cooking steps in recipe scripts on your smartphone/tablet so you can handle the cooker wirelessly. Most traditional, modern and international recipes can be easily adapted for Instant Pot, making you an incredible at-home cook in no time.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What does Instant Pot Smart Wifi 6qt Multi Use Electric Pressure Cooker contains?
Answer: It contains 0 ingredients, namely

Question: What are the features of Instant Pot Smart Wifi 6qt Multi Use Electric Pressure Cooker?
Answer: Some of the key attributes of Instant Pot Smart Wifi 6qt Multi Use Electric Pressure Cooker includes Small Appliances.

Question: Should I buy Instant Pot Smart Wifi 6qt Multi Use Electric Pressure Cooker?
Answer: While Grate cannot tell what to buy or what not - the average feedback about Instant Pot Smart Wifi 6qt Multi Use Electric Pressure Cooker is 4.692857142857143 out of 5 stars based on 28 review(s).


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