
Metropolis Coffee French Roast Dark Roast Whole Bean Coffee 12oz

Metropolis Coffee French Roast Dark Roast Whole Bean Coffee  12oz

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1 reviews

About Metropolis Coffee French Roast Dark Roast Whole Bean Coffee 12oz

Our darkest roast, we take French Roast as dark as we can while still maintaining slight sweet, malty flavors to anchor its bold richness. This is one sturdy, stout blend, and its heavy smoke and tobacco flavors love milk. To brew, use 10g ground coffee (roughly 2 Tbsp) per 6oz cup.

Metropolis Coffee Company is a Chicago-based, family-owned business, dedicated to supporting their community in Chicago. After 15 years in business, Metropolis still rallies behind the same idea that got them started in the first place: Great Coffee for Everyone! This means sourcing quality coffees from trusted producers and importers, ensuring sustainability and fair prices for farmers. It also means working hard to build a diverse, supportive environment for their employees, and ultimately, putting an immense amount of love and care into sourcing, roasting, packaging, and brewing great coffee for the ever-growing family of Metropolis customers.

French Roast
Whole Bean
Dark Roast

Contains: Does Not Contain Any of the 8 Major Allergens
May Contain: Does Not Contain Any of the 8 Major Allergens
State of Readiness: Ingredient
Coffee Bean Type: Arabica Beans
Store: Room Temperature
Package Quantity: 1
Caffeine Claim: Caffeinated
Coffee Roast: French Roast
Package type: Individual Item Multi-Serving
Coffee Variety / Source: South American
Net weight: 12 Ounces


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Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What does Metropolis Coffee French Roast Dark Roast Whole Bean Coffee 12oz contains?
Answer: It contains 1 ingredients, namely Ingredients: Coffee.

Question: What are the features of Metropolis Coffee French Roast Dark Roast Whole Bean Coffee 12oz?
Answer: Some of the key attributes of Metropolis Coffee French Roast Dark Roast Whole Bean Coffee 12oz includes Breakfast Warm Beverages.

Question: Should I buy Metropolis Coffee French Roast Dark Roast Whole Bean Coffee 12oz?
Answer: While Grate cannot tell what to buy or what not - the average feedback about Metropolis Coffee French Roast Dark Roast Whole Bean Coffee 12oz is 4.5 out of 5 stars based on 1 review(s).


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Metropolis Coffee French Roast Dark Roast Whole Bean Coffee  12oz Metropolis Coffee French Roast Dark Roast Whole Bean Coffee  12oz Metropolis Coffee French Roast Dark Roast Whole Bean Coffee  12oz Metropolis Coffee French Roast Dark Roast Whole Bean Coffee  12oz