KIND Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate + Protein Nutrition Bars 12ct

KIND Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate + Protein Nutrition Bars  12ct

Reviews & Ratings

134 reviews

About KIND Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate + Protein Nutrition Bars 12ct

Guilty of grabbing a spoon and eating peanut butter straight out of the jar? We certainly are - which is why we created this nut bar coated in roasted peanut butter and smothered in dark chocolate. Leave the jar in the cabinet and take the taste of peanut butter wherever you go. Contains 13g of fat per bar.

A delicious nut bar coated in roasted peanut butter and smothered in dark chocolate.
A satisfying, nutty snack that only seems indulgent.
Gluten free, No Genetically Engineered Ingredients, 0g Trans Fat, Kosher
Low glycemic index, low sodium, good source of fiber

Contains: Soy, Almonds, Peanuts
May Contain: Tree Nuts
Consistency: Chewy
Features: No Hydrogenated Oil, No High Fructose Corn Syrup
Dietary Needs: 0 Grams Trans Fat, Gluten Free, Very Low Sodium, Cholesterol Free, SQF Certified, Kosher
Form: Bar
State of Readiness: Ready to Eat
Store: Room Temperature
Package Quantity: 12
Package type: Multi-Pack Single Servings
Net weight: 16.8 ounces


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Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What does KIND Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate + Protein Nutrition Bars 12ct contains?
Answer: It contains 15 ingredients, namely Peanuts, Almonds, Honey, Sugar, Non Gmo Glucose, Soy Protein Isolate, Palm Kernel Oil, Cocoa Powder, Peanut Butter, Chicory Root Fiber, Tapioca Starch, Vanilla, Whole Milk, Soy Lecithin and Salt.

Question: What are the features of KIND Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate + Protein Nutrition Bars 12ct?
Answer: Some of the key attributes of KIND Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate + Protein Nutrition Bars 12ct includes Snacks.

Question: Should I buy KIND Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate + Protein Nutrition Bars 12ct?
Answer: While Grate cannot tell what to buy or what not - the average feedback about KIND Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate + Protein Nutrition Bars 12ct is 4.670149253731344 out of 5 stars based on 134 review(s).


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KIND Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate + Protein Nutrition Bars  12ct KIND Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate + Protein Nutrition Bars  12ct KIND Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate + Protein Nutrition Bars  12ct