GPX PJ308W 1080p Mini Projector, White

GPX PJ308W 1080p Mini Projector, White

Reviews & Ratings

182 reviews

About GPX PJ308W 1080p Mini Projector, White

Turn any space into entertainment central. Project your favorite movies, games and photos up to a 150" screen size with HDMI, VGA, USB, and AV. Easily adjust the picture for the best viewing angle with manual focus and angle correction. Connect your speakers to the audio out, a Bluetooth speaker, or use the built-in speaker to complete the scene.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What does GPX PJ308W 1080p Mini Projector, White contains?
Answer: It contains 0 ingredients, namely

Question: What are the features of GPX PJ308W 1080p Mini Projector, White?
Answer: Some of the key attributes of GPX PJ308W 1080p Mini Projector, White includes

Question: Should I buy GPX PJ308W 1080p Mini Projector, White?
Answer: While Grate cannot tell what to buy or what not - the average feedback about GPX PJ308W 1080p Mini Projector, White is 4.400549450549451 out of 5 stars based on 182 review(s).


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