Fisher Price Little People Caring For Animals Farm

Fisher Price Little People Caring For Animals Farm

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About Fisher Price Little People Caring For Animals Farm

Farmer Jed works very hard to care for all his animals on the Little People Caring for Animals Farm, and he would love some help from your tiny farmer. Toddlers will love learning how to take care of all their animal friends, from feeding the chickens to tucking in the horse with a soft blanket, and exploring all the exciting activities on this farm. Get the fun started by pressing the discovery button to pop open the stall doors and hear fun songs and phrases. Or open up the hayloft for drop-through fun that activates more sounds and phrases! Then little farmers can press the discovery button to "hatch" the chicks, turn the silo to rotate the corn crop (pop pop pop!), and so much more! Ding ding ding—ring the bell to let all the animals know it's dinnertime, then feed some of the corn to the chickens! This activity-packed Little People playset is more than a farm—it's a home for all your toddler's new friends. Where development comes into play Sensory: The farm offers tons of sensory-stimulating fun for little ones—from the bright colors, songs & sounds, to the variety of materials for their tiny hands to explore! Curiosity & Wonder: As toddlers discover all the ways to interact with the farm, like pressing the discovery button to hear fun sounds and see the stall doors pop open, they'll see how their actions can make fun things happen—a great intro to cause & effect! Emotions & Self-Expression: As kids pretend to feed & care for the farm animals, they're beginning to learn what it feels like to take care of someone else. For ages 1 to 5 years.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What does Fisher Price Little People Caring For Animals Farm contains?
Answer: It contains 0 ingredients, namely

Question: What are the features of Fisher Price Little People Caring For Animals Farm?
Answer: Some of the key attributes of Fisher Price Little People Caring For Animals Farm includes

Question: Should I buy Fisher Price Little People Caring For Animals Farm?
Answer: While Grate cannot tell what to buy or what not - the average feedback about Fisher Price Little People Caring For Animals Farm is 4.7994932432432424 out of 5 stars based on 592 review(s).


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