
Brach's Halloween Candy Corn 4.2oz

Brach's Halloween Candy Corn  4.2oz

Reviews & Ratings

3 reviews

About Brach's Halloween Candy Corn 4.2oz

Brach's Classic Candy Corn is the original sweet, tri-colored treat. Our classic candy corn delivers on the iconic, unique rich texture and real-honey flavor candy corn connoisseurs stand by. That's what makes us America's favorite candy corn. Celebrate fall with the distinctive taste and flavor of these little candies whether your baking or sharing with friends and family.

Enjoy the classic fall flavor of Brach's Candy Corn in this 4.2 ounce bag
Be the house everyone wants to visit this Halloween with delicious candy corn.
Perfect for baking or stocking the candy bowl this large bag of Brach's Candy Corn is sure to make moments sweeter.
Taste the joy of everyday moments with our rich variety of deliciously crafted confections. Share a little, or a lot, and make your memories sweeter.

Contains: Wheat, Milk, Eggs, Peanuts
Form: Pieces
State of Readiness: Ready to Eat
Store: Room Temperature
Package Quantity: 1
Package type: Individual Item Multi-Serving
Net weight: 4.2 Ounces


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Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What does Brach's Halloween Candy Corn 4.2oz contains?
Answer: It contains 12 ingredients, namely Sugar, Corn Syrup, Confectioners Glaze Shellac, Salt, Dextrose, Gelatin, Sesame Oil, Artificial Flavor, Honey, Yellow 6, Yellow 5 and Red 3.

Question: What are the features of Brach's Halloween Candy Corn 4.2oz?
Answer: Some of the key attributes of Brach's Halloween Candy Corn 4.2oz includes Candy.

Question: Should I buy Brach's Halloween Candy Corn 4.2oz?
Answer: While Grate cannot tell what to buy or what not - the average feedback about Brach's Halloween Candy Corn 4.2oz is 4.5 out of 5 stars based on 3 review(s).


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