
100mm f/2.8 ED UMC Macro Lens for Samsung NX

100mm f/2.8 ED UMC Macro Lens for Samsung NX

Reviews & Ratings

6 reviews

About 100mm f/2.8 ED UMC Macro Lens for Samsung NX

Affording you a life-size 1:1 magnification and a minimum focusing distance of 1', the Samsung NX mount 100mm f/2.8 ED UMC Macro Lens from Samyang is a manual focus short telephoto designed for working with subjects both near and far. The optical design incorporates one high refractive index element and one extra-low dispersion element to reduce chromatic aberrations and distortions throughout the focusing range, and an Ultra Multi-Coating has also been applied to minimize flare and ghosting for increase contrast and color neutrality. A long focal length lens with close focusing abilities and a high magnification ratio, this macro lens is ideal for making close-up, detailed images of nearby subjects.

Key Features:
- NX Mount Lens/APS-C Format
- 150mm (35mm Equivalent)
- Aperture Range: f/2.8 to f/32
- One High Refractive Index Element
- One Extra-Low Dispersion Element
- Ultra Multi-Coating
- 1:1 Magnification, 1' Minimum Focus
- Internal Focus; Manual Focus Design
- Non-Rotating Filter Mount
- Rounded 9-Blade Diaphragm

Usually includes:
- Front and Rear Lens Caps
- Lens Hood
- Lens Pouch
- Limited 1-Year Warranty
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Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What does 100mm f/2.8 ED UMC Macro Lens for Samsung NX contains?
Answer: It contains 0 ingredients, namely

Question: What are the features of 100mm f/2.8 ED UMC Macro Lens for Samsung NX?
Answer: Some of the key attributes of 100mm f/2.8 ED UMC Macro Lens for Samsung NX includes Photography, Lenses and Mirrorless Lenses.

Question: Should I buy 100mm f/2.8 ED UMC Macro Lens for Samsung NX?
Answer: While Grate cannot tell what to buy or what not - the average feedback about 100mm f/2.8 ED UMC Macro Lens for Samsung NX is 4.083333333333333 out of 5 stars based on 6 review(s).


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